Fauna and flora

Open this extraordinary picture book with your children, awaken their curiosity and teach them about the environment and respect for it... That's what real mountain vacations are all about!

Richness and diversity of wildlife

The wealth of wildlife in the Vanoise National Park is undeniable. From large ungulates to birds, insects and amphibians.
Herbivores (deer, roe deer, chamois and ibex...they are all well represented in Vanoise), rodents (the mountain hare, which changes its livery with the seasons, the marmot, which lives mainly on the vast alpine grasslands, various voles including the snow vole, the collared field mouse), carnivores (the fox, the badger, the marten, the weasel, the ermine), bats (the common pipistrelle, the northern earwig) and insectivores such as the water shrew.

Among the 125 bird species nesting in Vanoise are: golden eagle, crossbill, nutcracker, Tengmalm's owl, black flycatcher, long-eared owl, rock blackbird, black grouse, black grouse, rock partridge, rock ptarmigan, black woodpecker, three-toed woodpecker and tichodromus.

La Normafauna and flora, a third of France's flora in Vanoise

A third of France's flora in Vanoise

The latest summary of the flora of France, "Flora Gallica", published in 2014, lists around 5,000 species of vascular plants (ferns and allied plants, conifers and flowering plants) in mainland France. The Vanoise massif alone accounts for 1,700 species, i.e. a third of France's flora on less than 0.5% of the national territory!

This exceptional diversity can be explained by the variety of environments present, linked to the wide altitudinal gradient, the range of exposures and the marked differences in the chemical composition of rocks and soils.

Adopt the "Parc attitude

Indispensable for protecting an exceptional and fragile natural environment!

Walking, running, photographing, smelling, listening, breathing, contemplating, observing, learning, passing on, respecting...

- Come onfoot, without your dog (even on a leash), and leave your mountain bike and paraglider at home.
- Admirethe beauty of the flowers without picking them - they won't grow back on your property.
- Feed yourselfwith tasty local produce, but don't feed the marmots.
- Optimizeyour water and electricity consumption in the refuges
- Initiate yourselfto the calm of the mountains, to tranquillity... disconnect
- Followthe trails and don't cut the laces on the way down
- Takethe shuttle bus instead of your car

A privileged encounter with nature

The park rangers, who have a wide variety of missions within the National Parks, will be holding meetings throughout the summer to introduce you to their work and help you discover the secrets of the environment that surrounds us.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with mountain guides with the "Esprit Parc" label. As well as guiding you safely along snow-covered itineraries, they'll attract your attention, arouse your curiosity and inspire you to find out more about the mountain environment.
This is an ideal time, for example, to observe marmots coming out of hibernation to enjoy the warmth of the sun.
Want to find out more about the Vanoise National Park? Visit the exhibition (free access) at the Maison de la Vanoise in Val-Cenis Termignon or visit the official website:
All summer long, Vanoise National Park wardens and mountain leaders with the "Esprit Parc" label invite you to meet them and find out more about their profession and working environment.
